Formen im Taiji und Qigong

 Traditioneller Yang-Stil (Linie: Yang ChenFu - Yang ZhenDuo - Yang Jun)

 13er Säbelform

  1. Seven stars to Mount the tiger, Wielding saber forms (Qi Xing Kua Hu Jiao Dao Shi)
  2. Spring-and-clear to Daze-and-strike with Will and spirit raised (Teng Nuo Shan Zhan Yi Qi Yang)
  3. Looking leftward, Gazing right, the Two components spread (Zuo Gu You Pan Liang Kai Zhang)
  4. White crane displays its wings to Palm the five-fold states (Bai He Liang Chi Wu Xing Zhang)
  5. Breezes turn the lotus bloom to Hide it in the leaves (Feng Juan He Hua Ye Li Cang)
  6. Treasured maidens work their shuttles facing eightfold ways (Yu Nv Chuan Suo Ba Fang Shi)
  7. Triple stars open, close, Extending to their will (San Xing Kai He Zi Zhu Zhang)
  8. Double legs arising come and Strike the tiger pose (Er Qi Jiao Lai Da Hu Shi)
  9. Drape the body, hang aslant, and Kick like doting ducks (Pi Shen Xie Kua Yuan Yang Jiao)
  10. With the current, push the boat, the Whip can be a pole (Shun Shui Tui Zhou Bian Zuo Gao)
  11. Lower posture, Thrice combining, freedom calls to roll (Xia Shi San He Zi You Zhao)
  12. Leftward, rightward cleaving streams, the Dragon gate to crest (Zuo You Fen Shui Long Men Tiao)
  13. Old Bian-He retrieves his stone and Phoenix returns to nest (Bian He Xie Shi Feng Huan Chao)