Ein Blick über den Tellerrand |
Kunst - Handwerk - Freundschaft.
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Im Werk des amerikanischen Philosophen Ken Wilber gehen alle bedeutenden Themen der großen philosophischen und spirituellen Traditionen eine eindrucksvolle Synthese ein. Wilber ist ein passionierter Sucher nach der Wahrheit und einer der letzten großen Systemphilosophen, die Wissenschaft und Religion, Kunst und Kultur, Osten und Westen miteinander verbinden und in eine umfassende Perspektive der Evolution stellen. |
Integral Institute is dedicated to the proposition that partial and piecemeal approaches to complex problems are ineffective. Whether addressing individual and personal issues of meaning and transformation, or increasingly complex social problems such as war, hunger, disease, over-population, housing, ecology, and education, partial and fragmented approaches need to be replaced by solutions that are more comprehensive, systematic, encompassing and integral. |
"The Club of Budapest is an informal association of creative people in diverse fields of art, literature, and the spiritual domains of culture. It is dedicated to the proposition that only by changing ourselves we can change the world - and that to change ourselves we need the kind of insight and perception that art, literature, and the domains of the spirit can best provide. The members of the Club of Budapest use their artistic creativity and spiritual insight to enhance awareness of global problems and human opportunities. They communicate theior insights in word and image, in sound and motion, and in the myriad new media and technologies. They are recognized world leaders in their fields of literary, artistic, or spiritual activity; their names are assurance of insight, and their membership in the club a testimony of their dedication to our common future." (Ervin Laszlo) |
Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Training - Website Stan Grof |
Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and mystical traditions of the world. The name Holotropic means literally "moving toward wholeness" (from the Greek "holos"=whole and "trepein"=moving in the direction of something). |